Poupard M., Best P., Pavan G., Glotin H, Vocal repertoire and bioacoutics analyses in Globicephala melas (long-finned pilot whale) from Mediterranean Sea. November 2024,
Ferrari M, Trinh-Hafner M , Sarano F., Sarano V, Giraudet P., Glotin H., Age and interpulse interval relation from newborn to adult sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) off Mauritius, August 2024, in Scientific Report, Nature Springer Ed.
Best P., Paris S., Glotin H., Marxer R., Deep audio embeddings for vocalisation clustering, in minor revision to Plos One, February 2023
Balestriero R., Glotin H. and B. Richard. “Interpretable and learnable super-resolution time-frequency representation.” In Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning, pp. 118-152. PMLR, 2022.
Lehnhoff L., Glotin H., Bernard S., Dabin W., le Gall Y. et al.. (2022). Behavioural Responses of Common Dolphins Delphinus delphis to a Bio-Inspired Acoustic Device for Limiting Fishery By-Catch. Sustainability.
Malige F., Patris J., Hauray M., Giraudet P., Glotin H., et al.. Mathematical models of long term evolution of blue whale song types’ frequencies. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Elsevier, 2022, 548, pp.111184.
Best, P., Marxer R., Paris S. and Glotin H. Temporal evolution of the Mediterranean fin whale song. Scientific reports, 2022
Poupard,M., Ferrari M., Best P., Glotin H. (2022), Passive acoustic monitoring of sperm whales and anthropogenic noise using stereophonic recordings in the Mediterranean Sea, North West Pelagos Sanctuary. In Scientific reports
Poupard M., Symonds H., Spong P., Glotin H. (2021) Intra-Group Orca Call Rate Modulation Estimation Using Compact Four Hydrophones Array. Frontiers in Marine Science
Marie A. Roch, Scott Lindeneau, Gurisht Singh Aurora, Kaitlin E. Frasier, John A. Hildebrand, Glotin H., and Simone Baumann-Pickering , “Using context to train time-domain echolocation click detectors”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149, 3301-3310 (2021)
Best P., Marzetti S., Poupard M., Ferrari M., Paris S., Marxer R., Philippe O., Gies V., Barchasz V.,, 3 Glotin H. (2020) Stereo to five channels Bombyx sonobuoys : from four years cetacean monitoring to real-time whale ship anti-collision system. Eu. Forum Acusticum
Barchasz V., Gies V., Marzetti S., Glotin H. (2020) A novel low-power high speed accurate and precise DAQ with embedded artificial intelligence for long term biodiversity survey, Eu. Forum Acusticum
Best P., Ferrari M., Poupard M., Paris S., Marxer R., Symonds H., Glotin H. (2020) Deep Learning and Domain Transfer for Orca Vocalization Detection. In International joint conference on neural networks. IEEE IJCNN, International joint conference on neural networks, Jul 2020, glasgow, United Kingdom
Balestriero R. and Glotin, H. and Baraniuk, R.G (2020) Interpretable Super-Resolution via a Learned Time-Series Representation, arxiv
Ferrari M., Glotin H., Marxer R., Asch (2020) End to end raw audio deep learning of transients, application to bioacoustics, Eu. Forum Acusticum
Ferrari M. et al. (2020) 3D diarization of a sperm whale click cocktail party by an ultra high sampling rate portable hydrophone array for assessing individual cetacean growth curves, Eu. Forum Acusticum
Ferrari M. et al. (2020) DOCC10: Open access dataset of marine mammal transient studies and end-to-end CNN classification, in 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). IEEE
Marzetti, Gies V., Barchasz V., Best P., Paris S., Barthelemy H., Glotin H. (2020) Ultra-Low Power Wake-Up for Long-Term Biodiversity Monitoring, in proc. IEEE IoTAIS
Malige F., Djokic D., Patris J., Sousa-Lima R., Glotin H.. Use of recurrence plots for identification and extraction of patterns in humpback whale song recordings. Bioacoustics, Taylor and Francis, 2020, pp.1 – 16.
Marzetti S., Gies V., Barchasz V., Barthelemy H., Glotin H., Kussener E., et al. (2020) Embedded Learning for Smart Functional Electrical Stimulation, 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC)
Poupard M., Best P., Ferrari M., Spong P., Symonds H., Prevot J-M., Soriano T., Glotin H. (2020) From massive detections and localisations of orca at orcalab over three years to real-time survey joint to environmental conditions in Eu. Forum Acusticum
Paris S., Glotin H. (2023-25) ” SeGaMaS, un serious game pour l’apprentissage conjoint de la détection classification et localisation des mammifères marins”, Déclaration d’invention
Mahé P., Ferrari M., Best P. et Glotin H. (2023). Biosonar ENS Collège de France Data Challenge, Rapport scientifique LISDYNI202301,
Chavin S. et al.. (2023) Automatic classification of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) vocalization in the Caribbean. Humpback Whale World Congress march 2023
Best P., Marxer R., Paris S., Glotin H., Probing the Fin Whale Song Evolution, LSPM inauguration, CPPM, Marseille, februray 2023
Justine Girardet, Véronique Sarano, Agnese Marchini, Stéphane Chavin, Julie Guiderdoni, et al.. Circadian rhythms of cetaceans from Arctic and Mediterranean seas with controled anthropophony. DCLDE, Jun 2024, Rotterdam, France. 2022. hal-04945810
Viethen Salomé, Giraudet P., Jamet D. (2024), Mémoire de stage de master 1ere année – Etude comparée du répertoire de codas de deux groupes de cachalots récemment séparés (Ile Maurice)
Deloustal N., Chavin S., Glotin H. (2023), Rapport de recherche V1 Suivi et identification temps-fréquence bioacoustique par transfert deep learning sur YOLO : gestion des chorus
Chavin S., Mahé P., Hermet T., Deloustal N. and Glotin H., (2023), Rapport de recherche, Analyse automatisée de la diversité acoustique, de la détection d’espèces aux indices bioacoustiques
Glotin et al., (2022) ADAPREDAT, mission arctique ADSIL, rapport recherche LIS DYNI, MITI CNRS et ADSIL, décembre 2022
Best P. (2022). Automated Detection and Classification of Cetacean Acoustic Signals. Machine Learning. Phd Thesis, Université de toulon (dir Glotin).
Ferrari M., Glotin H., (2022), Mesure du bruit ambiant sous-marin par la bouée stéréophonique BOMBYX au Sud du Parc National Port-Cros de 2015 à 2018
Deloustal N., Glotin H., (2022), Rapport de recherche, Veille bioacoustique de l’avifaune en Guadeloupe
Chavin S., Glotin H, Poupard M., Best, P. Ferrari M., et al.. Automatic classification of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) vocalization in the Caribbean. Master thesis, Université de Toulon, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, LIS, Marseille, France. 2022
Glotin H., Ferrari M., Best P., Poupard M., Thellier N., et al.. CARIMAM Report Bioacoustic Data Processing. [Research Report] DYNI LIS. 2021.
Glotin H., Poupard M., Best P., Ferrari M. (2021). Observations Stéréophoniques sur 4 ans de la Bouée BOMBYX au Sud du Parc National de Port-Cros : Mégafaune et pollution anthropophonique. LOT 2 : Le cas du rorqual et du globicéphale
Glotin H., Poupard M., Best P., Ferrari M. (2021). Observations Stéréophoniques sur 4 ans de la Bouée BOMBYX au Sud du Parc National de Port-Cros : Mégafaune et pollution anthropophonique. LOT 1 : Le cas du cachalot
Jenkins J., Paiement A., Ourmières Y., Sommer J., Verron J., Ubelmann C. and Glotin H. (2022). A DNN Framework for Learning Lagrangian Drift With Uncertainty.
Patris J., Malige F., Hamame M.,Buchan S.,Barchasz V., Glotin H., (2021) Etude des productions sonores des dauphins du canal de Puyuhuapi, Région de Aysen, Chili
Ferrari M. (2020) Study of a Biosonar Based on the Modeling of a Complete Chain of Emission-Propagation-Reception with Validation on Sperm Whales, Phd Thesis, Université Picardie Jules Verne, (dir Glotin & Asch)
Poupard M. (2020) Contributions en Méthodes Bioacoustiques Multiéchelles: Spécifiques, populationnelles, individuelles et comportementale, Phd Thesis, Université de Toulon (dir Glotin Soriano Lengagne)
Glotin H, Thellier N., Best P., Poupard M., Ferrari M., et al. (2020) Rapport Mission Sphyrna Odyssey : Découvertes Ethoacoustiques de Chasses Collaboratives de Cachalots en Abysse & Impacts en Mer du Confinement COVID19 ,